Does Having an Organized Home Even Matter?

Does Having an Organized Home Even Matter?

The short answer to this question is yes, but I bet you already knew that. I think the real question is why is organizing important? Will decluttering your home really make a difference?

If you feel:

  • Stuck in deciding where to put things
  • Overwhelmed by decisions you need to make about keeping or donating your things
  • stressed by the pile of clutter that is now toppling over onto the floor because you just can’t deal with it all right now

I’m here to remind you that you don’t have to stay there. In fact, you’re already making progress. You’re reading my blog and I’m so grateful you’re here.

So, why is organizing important? I’m so glad you asked!

No more wasting time searching for things you need because you know exactly where to find it.

Your car keys are in the place they belong so leaving for work in the morning isn’t delayed by misplacing them. 

Putting away folded clothes doesn’t take as long because there’s a system for shorts and shirts that stays so you’re not rearranging the drawer every time you do laundry.

Unpacking the groceries becomes effortless because organizing labels tell you exactly where pantry items and food for the fridge belong.

Be it your mental, physical, or emotional energy, you can find what you need when you need it with ease. This allows more of your energy to be placed into what truly matters – relationships, friends, and family.

You will find your capacity for other things increase because you don’t need to constantly remember where things are in your home.

Sure, you spend money up front on hiring a professional organizer or buying organizers and containers as you DIY organizing your home, but in the long run knowing what you have and what you need to buy saves you money!

  • You’ll stop buying duplicates or overstocking the fridge and freezer because you have a sustainable system in place. 
  • Going to the grocery store becomes less of a task you dread and more of a quick stop to grab a few essentials you’re running low on.
  • You’ll stop rebuying an item you know you have but can’t locate at the moment like clothes in your closet you forgot you bought and never wore or your winter scarfs and hats you thought you misplaced.

A clear space = a clear mind. 

It’s difficult to think and process through work or situations when your space is cluttered. The clutter becomes a distraction causing you to lose your focus and therefore accomplishing less than what you set out to do when the day started.

Bottom line: Clutter becomes a distraction. 

I am more focused and productive when the kitchen counter is clear. 

Clear and organized spaces tell my brain the work is done and it’s time to rest. There are no more “reminders” or piles of mail or clutter to take care of.

In fact, I had to clear off my desk before I could write this blog post. I needed my space to be decluttered so my brain could focus on writing.

This is often overlooked when thinking about how clutter can impact your life. You are using your money to pay for space to hold all the things you put there be it rent or a mortgage.

This is also why I encourage people NOT to buy a storage unit – ever. Why use your money to rent a storage unit to hold stuff you don’t need, you’re clearly not using, but you aren’t sure if you’ll need it one day? 

The same goes for the four walls of your home. Every inch of square footage you pay for through your rent or mortgage, therefore stop stuffing your home and give it some breathing room.

The more clutter you have, the higher your stress level. And I don’t know about you but I’m trying hard to lessen my stress and cortisol levels so the clutter needs to go! 

Being ruthless in decluttering frees up space in your mind.

Your mental health and your space are directly connected. 

In fall of 2024, I started a podcast called The Declutter Diaries (you can listen on Apple or Spotify) with my dear friend and licensed therapist, Tina Wolff.  We started the conversation about organizing and decluttering with its direct correlation to mental health.

It all connects.

Your mental capacity, feeling burned out, your feelings of overwhelm all link back to the status of your space. 

Do you have a clear working space? Are you able to curl up on the sofa to read a book in the evening without seeing the piles of clutter that need to be taken care of? Is the dining room table clear of mail and the kids’ things so you can eat dinner together as a family?

Your mental clarity can be increased by simply having an organized home.

“Honey, where’s the [fill in the blank]?” is something I hear less and less in my own home. 

The burden of being the keeper of the organized home is not only on me. It’s on the organizing labels I’ve implemented in the laundry room, fridge, pantry, hallway closet, and garage. My husband and I rarely ask each other where something is because that item always goes back to the place it belongs.

Okay, except the trimmer charger because I thought it was a cable for something with the computer. I mean how many trimmers does one man need?!

Having an organized home matters because you’re no longer bickering about where something is misplaced or doesn’t go there. Will there be slip ups? Of course. But there will be less arguing, less stress, and more time because everything in your home will have a logical place that makes sense to your storage space, your family, and your brain.

So, yes, having an organized home really does matter. The reasons for you might look similar or different to the ones I listed above, however in the end organizing any space needs to be for you and no one else.

That’s exactly why you should hire a professional organizer. 

I always say if something is important to you you’ll make time for it. Whether that’s making time to book your organizing appointment or taking time to find the perfect organizing containers for your space, decluttering and organizing your home has to be a priority if you’re serious about it.

Lucky for you I provide all the organizing tips, organizing hacks, and container recommendations to get started.

If you want to DIY your home organization, check out my guide to organizing your home. It’s packed with home organizing tips that have helped all of my clients create a sustainable system to organize their space. 

If you’re ready to hire a professional organizer, book a free connection call with me to make a plan! 

My mission is to help you feel unstuck, less overwhelmed, and more productive in all aspects of your life. And it starts with getting your home organized.

Bonnie Hintenach | Bin Your Space | Maryland Professional Organizer | Organizing Expert




Clutter got you feeling weighed down, stressed, or overwhelmed? You're not alone. Join me and my friend Tina Wolff, a licensed therapist, as we dive into practical tips, emotional support and actionable steps to transform your space and your mind. 

Listen to the Podcast